Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Twice as nice (Twin Tuesday)

Here are 7 of my reasons it's twice as nice rather than double the trouble when you have twins:

  1. They always have a playmate: When they go to nursery for the first time, they aren't on their own. They have a friend when you go to new places. They can wake up together and have an early morning chat. Plus the fact that they have a playfriend can sometimes give you a little break to get a cuppa/something to eat!
  2. They can learn from each other: Whilst sometimes this be be a source of much mischief, they can also see one another learning. What one can do, the other is more likely to want to try. It can work for eating, walking, exploring new toys.
  3. It's magical when they interact: When you stop, and slow down and watch your twins interact it can be amazing. I try to make some time every day just to sit and watch them together. Heads bent over a project, reaching out to one another.
  4. You have twice the giggles: There is a LOT of laughter in our house. It's such a joyful sound. We hear them through the baby monitors laughing at each other. It's infectious. They egg each other on and play off the fact that each thinks they are hilarious.
  5. They help each other: Yes, sometimes they don't like to share and can fall out. Even at 21m though they look out for each other. They shout each other when it's time for lunch. They pass the water. Sometimes they even feed each other snacks.
  6. Your arms are full of love: It is wonderful when they both come and have hugs and fun at the same time. Yes, your hands are full but full of an abundance of love.
  7. There is nothing like two little hands holding yours: Now that the boys are walking it is so lovely when we are walking along and they both hold your hand. Or stop and look up at you, to see what you think or to point something out to you.
What do you love about having twins?

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