Monday, 7 July 2014

Take the first step

Sometimes it's that first step which is hardest. Driving feels like that for me. I know I need to do it. I know other people find it easy. I know some other people find it...well, not great, but still get out there and drive regularly. I've been struggling with this since we moved down south. Down south is BUSY! And I lack confidence about my driving, compounded by being a late starter and lack of practice. Slowly, I'm starting to take action, to take that first step on the road to being a car driver.

Lao Tzu
I can make all kinds of excuses about why I don't drive. But really? It's fear. Fear of going wrong. Of getting lost. Of having an accident (especially now I have the boys). But the fear is stopping me enjoying now. When I am out in a car, if I know I have to drive home I'll be thinking of it. I'll be worrying about it. If I have to go somewhere, the car is usually my least favourite option. Yet having a family now means I need to start getting over this as the possibilities driving will open up for us are huge. We'll be able to go (more easily) on holiday. We'll be able to go to the sorts of places we love, which are mainly not on public transport, or the links are few and far between. And it just feels like it will be freer.

So I have lots of great motivation. Yet still I have been stuck. That fear again. Today I took a deep breath, got ready, did my research and got out the door. It wasn't perfect, but it didn't need to be.

Just need to keep on doing trying, one tiny step after another.

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