Sunday, 6 July 2014

Love is a journey

Love is a journey. A little over seven years ago I went on a walking holiday that changed my life. It was one of my first holidays all on my own. I felt good about it as it was a group walking holiday and I knew that there would be like minded people there. We were walking around 100 miles of the Camino, a long distance walking route that finishes in Santiago de Compestela in Spain (The field of stars).

On the walk I met the man who is now my husband. In those seven years my life has changed tremendously - I've been made redundant, got engaged, sold my house, moved to London, been a coach, worked as a social media specialist for a small firm and a global organisation, got married, moved house to live near the sea, and had two beautiful babies.

Life and love are both a journey. We don't know what is around the corner. We can plan for the future, but if we don't live in the present, we miss the beauty of what is unfolding for us in the here and now. Today, I am pausing to say thank you to the universe. To acknowledge that love and life is a journey. To look forwards to the next steps on this beautiful adventure we started together 7 years ago today with that first 'official' date in Santiago.

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