Some days you just need to stop and listen to your body. Today mine was gently calling out "Rest, sleep, slow down" to me. It's been a busy few days since the end of last month. We've had a trip away which broke our routine especially from a sleep perspective. I've had some time away, and the boys are always on the move (or so it seems).
It's OK to rest. It's OK to stop. It's OK to ask for what you need.
Let it go, mama. The jobs will still be there. And you'll probably get to them all later.
You'll be better for a rest. Give yourself permission, if you can.
Even if it is just for a minute.
Nap when they nap.
If you can, grab some down time when your little ones are asleep too. They'll be sure to shout out if they need you!
Switch off.
Can't take a nap right now? Switch off. Your phone, laptop, TV, anything that makes noise. Enjoy a break in the silence.
Take a breathing break.
Even if you don't feel like you have time for anything else, simply stop moving. Close your eyes for a moment. Inhale. Exhale. Repeat.
Give yourself permission.
Know that rest makes you stronger. Gives you the energy you need to do what you need to do. Give yourself a mantra that acknowledges what you need right now.
I choose to rest right now, knowing it gives me strength.
I stop and enjoy the sweet sound of silence.
I breathe in peace and breathe out strength. I can do this.
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