Monday, 14 July 2014

Take a break, make a soul to do list

Sometimes it feels like all there is to do is chores. Lunch to make, clothes to wash, children to feed...
Make a new to do list. I need to do this more often.

Put down your list of jobs (it will still be there) and write a list of things you'd love to be doing right now that would chill you out, make you happy. Make them things you could actually do in the here and now between all the other things you still have to do (guessing you'll still have to do the other jobs).

Take some time just for you. Or to stop and reconnect with your littles. Breathe.
What would be on your list today?
Here is mine.
Have a hot cup of tea with my feet up.
Sleep when they children are sleeping.
Paint a picture.
Read with the boys.

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